Sunday, May 18, 2014

sales skills building

Starter Toolkit



Signing up for a free trial give you access to the following content:

R  Sales Process skill building session, or
R  Service Excellence skill building session.
R  Detailed written notes on either program.
R  Downloadable A4 and A3 posters of either the Sales Process. 
R  Model or the Service Excellence Model.
R  An additional skill building session on the subject of your choice


Skill Building Session

All skill building sessions include the following items:

  1. Topics - each session focusses on either sales or service skills.
  • Training Video - a comprehensive training video packed with how to knowledge, approximately 15 mins.
  • Session Notes - a complete video transcript with included diagrams, scripts and strategies.
  • Meeting Notes - an edited one pager of the key take aways.
  • Thought Provokers - in depth questions to generate coaching and best practice discussions in sales meetings.
  • Field Exercise - a practical task to do in the field that encourages coaching and implementation.
  • Model Diagrams and Posters - models and diagrams provided as posters to include on walls and workspaces. NB: not all videos include these resources.
  • Learning System Access - all sessions delivered on our proprietary SalesITV learning and training platform.

sales skills building